JavaScript; the language of the web.
One of the most efficient, robust and multiple prototypic core language platforms is JavaScript.
Every sort of OOPs programming comes with four basic features — polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance, and encapsulation. The concept of OOPs has made it possible for the programmer to demarcate the program into smaller blocks, each having variables and codes, thereby increasing the compilation and execution efficiency.
JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. It supports event-driven, functional, object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles.
JavaScript was earlier developed in a way where only the client side server could be integrated into the platform. As the demand for multi-platform language increased, and is still is, software engineers modified the JavaScript module in a way that now it can work on the host-side server too, thereby establishing a clear link between the host and the client.
With the advent of Object Oriented Programming, programming platforms have turned the tables and have the ball in their court.
Programmers can do just about anthing with JavaScript.